Grade 8 is a special time in your child’s life. Not only do they celebrate their last year in elementary school, and look towards high school, but they are also offered the Person of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
As a parish community we wish to celebrate this sacrament with them, so that they may face the world with the fullness of God’s Spirit. The Culture we live in has significantly changed. Many question whether the faith and its observance is still relevant. We wish to discuss these shifts within our culture, and community to support your child and your family. Pope Francis has encouraged that the Church moves away from a purely programmatic model of education, and to lean more on the Family for each child’s development in the ways of the faith. The Church herself teaches that parents/guardians are the first educators of their children in the ways of the faith. The Church programs and Catholic education are only meant to supplement what you already beautifully instil into your children at home.
With this in mind, our program is going to be offered to help support parents/guardians in their own work of faith formation for your children. This program is designed to allow Confirmation preparation to be a collaborative effort between the parents/guardians and the parish community. It will also be a helpful aid in the parish coming to know your concerns, hopes, and suggestions as a parish moving into a new time in our secular culture.
October 24th – PARENT/GUARDIAN & STUDENT NIGHT - Introduction 7:00 – 7:45 PM @ Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
November 21st – STUDENT NIGHT – What is Faith? 7:00 – 8:30 PM @ Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
January 23rd – PARENT/GUARDIAN NIGHT – Who is God? 7:00 – 8:30 PM @ Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
February 20th – STUDENT NIGHT – Who am I? 7:00 – 8:30 PM @ Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
March 27th – PARENT/GUARDIAN NIGHT – What is my Mission? 7:00 – 8:30 PM @ Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
April 24th – STUDENT NIGHT – What is Confirmation? 7:00 – 8:30 PM @ Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
JUNE 8th 12:30 PM @ Our Lady Help of Christians, Wallaceburg
June 15th 8:45AM @ Sacred Heart, Port Lambton